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Proudly Launch on Arbitrum

Co-built by AI creatures and our community


What is AIELON?

AIELON is a deflationary token. It will be used by AIELON ecosystem applications. The total supply is 420,690,000,000,000 tokens. AIELON belongs to everyone in the Arbitrum community and is also a necessary key to unlock the future chapters of the AIELON story.
AIELON has a 6% burning tax, so adjusting your slippage tolerance to around 15-20% 3% lottery for NFT holders, the more you hold, the higher the chance of winning 3% of the transaction tax will be collected by the 600,000 address ,give /arb community
of the transaction tax
will be collected by the
600,000 address
give /arb community
of the transaction tax
will be collected by the 600,000 address,give /arb community
Send to LP, LP tokens are destroyed
Connect with exchanges and marketing
Lottery for NFT holders
Distributed to nft holders

The secret weapon that humans have over AI is "intuition." Your intuition tells you to join our great community.

ArbDogelonAI, an Experiment in the Arbitrum Ecosystem.
© 2023 Arbitrum Doge Paradise. All right reserved.